Grassroots Enterprises

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

7 Good Things About Tough Times


I drove by a flea market last weekend and cars were spilling out of the parking lot. It struck me that there might just be an upside to today’s post pandemic reboot. Flea markets, second-hand, and consignment stores seem to be doing well. It means we’re buying less, recycling more, and contributing to a greener environment. Good news, right?

So, because I’m a glass half full kind of person, I decided to spend some time mining the silver lining in what some might see as stormy clouds. Here’s… More...

Posted by Brenda Herchmer on 05/30 at 11:26 AM • Permalink

Thursday, May 04, 2023

They Ran to Help

While not especially earth-shattering, two recent incidents got me thinking about trust and its importance. 

The first incident took place as my husband and I were running an errand and got stuck two cars behind a stalled pickup truck on a one-way bridge with no way to maneuver around.

As my husband and I watched, an adult male slowly struggled to get out of the passenger seat. We soon realized he was moving to the rear of the truck to try to push it out of traffic. It also became apparent… More...

Posted by Brenda Herchmer on 05/04 at 10:07 PM • Permalink