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Leadership for Active, Creative, Engaged Communities (Book)

Recipient of an “editors choice” designation, Leadership for Active, Creative, and Engaged Communities is being described as “valid, original and informative” and “...the content is a nice mix of pragmatic and inspirational…a writing style that is both authoritative and warm.” ACE Ambassador Ian Hill suggests the book is a “game changer” that will help communities tackle complex issues and support the transformational change needed for an uncertain future with a new and different kind of leadership.
Providing the practical how-to for making strong and vibrant communities a reality, the book is presented as six competencies for community leadership. Each is expanded with research and indicators intertwined with stories and practical strategies illustrating what can be done to ensure active, creative, and engaged communities. A must-read for anyone who cares and wants to make a difference in their community. Price includes shipping.
Author: Brenda Herchmer, Director ACE Communities
Company: Grassroots Enterprises