Leadership from the Roots
There’s nothing like challenging times to bring out new books and blogs about leadership.
Being something of a junkie when it comes to information about community leadership and change, I try to read or at least scan as many as I can.
Unfortunately, it’s become an increasingly frustrating exercise for me as most seem to be written by a guy who is either an academic or is working in a corporate setting at, or near, the top of the hierarchy. And while there’s nothing wrong with those distinct set of lenses, it just doesn’t resonate with the realities of…
Posted on 04-26-09
On Being Innovative
Much as I try to turn my brain off while on vacation, sometimes the extra time to think makes it next to impossible. This week in sunny Cabos San Lucas even the tangy margaritas fail to keep the synapses from firing.
I’m especially struck by the innovation, resourcefulness, and drive I see among young Mexican entrepreneurs.
On the beaches they hawk eye-catching purses woven from strips of recycled juice box containers as well as bracelets made from plastic stir sticks wrapped with thread and then custom embroidered with one’s name.
Since my current work is largely about innovation…
Posted on 04-20-09
Good Things About Bad Times
I drove by a flea market today and cars were spilling out of the parking lot. It struck me that there just might be an up side to this down economy. Flea markets, second-hand, and consignment stores seem to be doing well. It means we’re buying less, recycling more, and contributing to a greener environment. Good news for sure.
So because I’m a glass half full kind of person who’s tired of the doom and gloom I decided to spend some time mining the silver lining in the cloud of this recession. As a result here’s my top ten list…
Posted on 04-12-09
Collecting Hallmark Memories
It’s a good thing I’m into lists.
In between delivering four workshops at the Parks and Recreation Ontario provincial conference in Niagara Falls last week, I tried to deal with the challenge of keeping up with my job from a distance while fitting in family visits and a lot of errands. While I ultimately managed to get everything done, the very best of the visit were two items not found on any of my to-do lists.
Somewhat spontaneously my mother, son, and I decided to go to Toronto to see the Sound of Music. Although I am the…
Posted on 04-05-09