Preparing for Tomorrow
It would be so nice not to have to work in July and August.
Unfortunately for many of us it is unavoidable if we want to collect a paycheque. Regardless, there is something to be said about the generally more civilized summer pace. Typically it seems there are fewer meetings, a more manageable level of emails and, most importantly, time to think and reflect.
Our team did just that this past week, spending two days focused on our annual strategic planning session. Wanting to ensure a relaxed environment most of the meeting time was spent at my house…
Posted on 07-26-10
Recreation Matters
This week I talked to yet another young person who is totally convinced that making money is the route to happiness. Despite working and doing a great job this summer as a special event organizer for a non-profit recreation organization, he is also certain his path includes a university degree in business. In the ensuing conversation we talked about values, learning about what is important to one’s self, and how money doesn’t necessarily equate to happiness.
I also ended up sharing with him the reasons behind my choosing to work in the field of recreation and parks. Mostly I…
Posted on 07-18-10
Knowing Your Community
I talked to a friend last week who is seriously considering a move west in her search for new opportunities for both herself and her family. While I was genuine in my support and encouragement, I thought afterward how responsible I would feel if they did actually pack up and move. While a move from Welland to Edmonton has worked out well for us, it is definitely a challenge getting to know a new community before and after a relocation.
In our case I was fortunate to have worked in Edmonton on a consulting basis so before we moved I…
Posted on 07-12-10
New Times May Require Rethinking our Infrastructure
Systemic change is hard work. And, it doesn’t happen without courageous leadership.
Last week I was in London, Ontario exchanging learnings regarding the how to’s of community building. The two days involved working with a stellar municipal team who’ve done a remarkable job of getting some 125 children, youth and family-serving organizations to commit to applying an integrated service delivery model.
While integrated, system-thinking services would seem like a no-brainer given that people don’t come in segregated departments, too often we’ve built systems to serve them as if they do. Worse yet, these segregated systems become entrenched, bigger,…
Posted on 07-04-10