All About that Boss, ‘Bout that Boss
In many ways it clearly is “bout that boss” and whether or they have earned the respect of others as a leader.
More and more we are seeing an unwillingness to work for someone in a position of authority who hasn’t shifted from a traditional “command and control” model to a form of leadership that is more about sharing power and control.
It is a challenging shift and one that takes courage and heart.
By way of example I often cite what I witnessed several years at a townhall meeting designed to help grow the community by engaging a…
Posted on 12-13-14
Are You a Treasure Seeker or a Trash Collector?
I recently stumbled across a thought-provoking post intended to help teachers cultivate practical optimism in their classrooms. However it became clearer as I read that it contained ideas applicable to every single one of us.
The post was written by Marcus Conyers who, with Donna Wilson, is co-developer of the M.S. and Ed.S. Brain-Based Teaching degree programs at Nova Southeastern University.
The post discussed that until recently optimism was considered to be an unchangeable trait. Now it is understood that optimism is a way of thinking that can be learned and enhanced. Convers and Wilson are developing tools to help…
Posted on 12-11-14