Finding My Funny


The older I get, the better I’ve become at listening to my intuition, even when it seems a tad wacky and I can’t explain why I decide to do something. It’s a strategy that has worked reasonably well, so I’ve learned to listen when those spidey senses start tingling.

It’s why when I recently read about our local up-and-coming comedy club offering an Introduction to Stand-Up Comedy, I decided to sign up even though I wasn’t sure why it seemed important.

It’s not as if I… More Posted on 10-28-24

Can Community Innovation Be Simplifed?

My dominant right-brained self understands very little of Albert Einstein’s work.  However, I do know he once said, “Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.

I often wonder if he imagined how much more challenging that would be in today’s complex, hyperconnected, and increasingly uncertain world.

The speed, unpredictability, and interconnectedness of today’s complex issues have made it extraordinarily difficult to predict and plan for the future of our communities. It’s made even more challenging by knowing it is imperative that we also implement local action to… More Posted on 10-17-24

Impactful Ways to Decide and Do

A circus performer, an engineer, a non-profit employee, a tattoo artist, and a consultant walked into a coffee shop. While it may sound like a punchline to a bad joke, it wasn’t.

Despite the diverse backgrounds, each owns a business or works in our city’s downtown core and is a volunteer member of what we’ve named the POP committee. POP is an acronym for Partnerships, Opportunities and Proposals.

While we all have demanding jobs, we carved out time to meet to discuss our shared focus on revitalizing our downtown. It was a caffeine-fueled, noisy,… More Posted on 10-04-24