My Top Excuses for Not Exercising
It was pretty quiet at the gym today.
And, while I so didn’t want to be there, by the time I finished my workout—albeit not one of my finest—I was glad I had made the effort.
Truth be told, me even getting there was a long shot given that the holiday break had made me lazy and messed with my routine.
Regardless, I really can’t take too much credit because my workout buddy provided much of the incentive for me actually getting my butt in the door.
Like most people these days, I know there are significant benefits…
Posted on 12-28-12
Counting Our Blessings
While I realize this might sound a little strange, a recent vacation read of a Ken Follett book called “World Without End” was the impetus for me thinking more about, and deciding to make a more concerted effort to practice the art of gratitude.
It seems especially apropos given that the holidays are upon us.
Additionally, I’ve been thinking for some time that I have a lot to be grateful for. The trouble is, I don’t have Oprah in my life to remind me in quite the same way since she gave up her daily talk show, so I…
Posted on 12-21-12
Sandy Hook Broke Our Hearts
While every country has a psychopath that commits mass murder—Canadians need only think about Marc Lépine and Montreal’s École Polytechnique—there was something about the recent massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut that simply broke our hearts.
In part it was that they were such young innocents and so undeserving of such violence.
Being so close to Christmas also made it especially poignant as there isn’t a parent among us who hasn’t thought of how painful and sad it will be for the friends and families of those lost.
But even President Obama struggled to retain his composure…
Posted on 12-17-12