Public Participation in Budgeting?
Our systems are breaking down.
This is especially evident when it comes to public spending.
As the government financial year-end of March 31st approaches, there is often a flurry of activity as employees scurry to spend everything within their budgets to avoid having to return the dollars to their central treasury and risk being criticized for inaccurate estimates, or, in a worst case scenario, having next year’s allocations reduced.
Additionally, elected officials and staff are faced with growing demands and budget woes leading to painful cuts in public services and infrastructure that too often impact our most vulnerable.…
Posted on 01-20-13
5 Strategies for Being a Better Boss in 2013
I can’t believe the number of people I’ve talked to recently who are desperately unhappy in their jobs.
With rare exception, the core cause of their complaints is their boss.
While I realize not everyone is a boss, most everyone has a boss. As a result, I thought I’d share my list of five strategies for being a better boss in 2013.
First of all, in the event you haven’t noticed, the workplace is changing. A good boss knows the future is about collaboration and meshwork.
To collaborate, you have to get over the idea that your…
Posted on 01-06-13