Because It’s the Right Thing to Do…
Change is hard. It really is. Most people see it as something they don’t want because it means leaving what they know and stepping into something more likely to be messy and unclear. It may even be that change is hard because we overestimate the value of staying the same, and underestimate the value of what could be gained.
However, In my work, which generally involves supporting change in organizations and communities, we’ve also learned there is a small minority of people for whom change isn’t as hard. Instead they view change as moving forward, learning, growing, and ideally, innovative…
Posted on 11-29-15
Tall, Dark and Charismatic
As he put it, he wanted to meet and develop a relationship. It definitely wasn’t personal, it was simply because in the not-to-distant future, he knew his employer would be in need of the community development training offered by my company.
Our connection over coffee stretched to over an hour and resulted in a deep, rich, and meaningful conversation about community building and its importance.
And, while I truly am a happily married woman and probably old…
Posted on 11-03-15