The Fun Theory
This week my son taught me a lesson without even being aware he was doing it.
It happened because I finally made the time to review and upload to my website the183 photographs stored on my digital camera. Clicking through the photos I landed on a group of shots I knew I hadn’t taken. While my photos are generally pretty standard, many of these were shot on an angle. The majority were close ups of people with broad grins, laughing out loud, or making faces at the camera. All of the photos conveyed an artistic sensibility as well as an…
Posted on 10-25-09
Aboriginal Learnings
Like many Canadians I should, but don’t, know a lot about Aboriginal communities. My only exposure was the result of having three brothers who played lacrosse against teams from Six Nations. Typically they were outplayed and ultimately trounced. Within my rather white-bread high school of some 800, there were a total of two aboriginal students.
All I really knew is that Aboriginal peoples were the first people to live in Canada. They had many different spiritual beliefs and cultural traditions including a very special relationship with nature.
Consequently my understanding came primarily from a media too often focused…
Posted on 10-19-09
Never Too Late
On a recent shopping expedition, my 80 year old mother tried on a beautiful, mauve wool sweater. With her silver hair and bright eyes she looked adorable. Not quite taking my word for it, she insisted on finding a mirror.
When she found one, she gazed intently, adjusted the collar, and sniffed, “It looks like an old lady sweater”. To this I responded, “Mom, just for my own frame of reference, how old does one have to before they’re considered an old lady? I’m not sure but I think at 80 you might just qualify?”
Not considering herself…
Posted on 10-11-09