The Hedgehog Concept
It is so sweet that my mom still worries about me. Specifically she worries that I work too hard.
During my last visit, I tried to explain that there was a blurry line between my work and my leisure because I enjoy what I do so much.
Not sure that I had dispelled her concerns, I finally blurted out, “Work just makes me happy”!
I went on to explain that I don’t expect everyone to enjoy working as much as I do, but I am simply a much happier person when I produce. I’m not a workaholic as…
Posted on 04-27-08
Learning for Life
It is a significant achievement and a reason for every Niagara resident to stand tall and proud.
Although I no longer work there, I am delighted that Niagara College has again won the distinction of being number one in overall student satisfaction among all colleges in Ontario.
According to the results of this year’s survey, administered at 24 Ontario colleges by an independent research firm, 86.1 percent of Niagara College students said they are satisfied with the education they’re receiving. Additionally, it’s clear that employers are satisfied with their graduates.
Shortly after hearing this news, I happened to end…
Posted on 04-20-08
Vacation Vision and Values
Whew! If I were any more relaxed I’d be in a coma.
My husband and I have just returned from a pretty-much-perfect week’s vacation in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico.
We stayed in a resort built, as one might imagine in Mexico, with the prerequisite stone, ceramic tile and wrought iron railings. Our particular condo was perched four stories above the street on a steep hill at the edge of town.
In addition to the daily exercise provided by climbing the 120 stairs to our balcony, built-in active living was also provided by a lovely and quiet pool located two…
Posted on 04-13-08