As the owner of Grassroots Enterprises and the CEO of the Campus for Communities of the Future, Brenda Herchmer’s career path includes working as the Director of ACE Communities across Alberta,  as a Professor and Director of the Centre for Community Leadership at Niagara College, and the city of Niagara Falls. Brenda is the author of three books, a YWCA Woman of Distinction in Training and Education and a winner of the Brock University Applied Sciences Distinguished Graduate Award. Brenda and her husband also own a board game cafe and an online store called Horizon Kites. 
Brenda is committed to growing the capacity to resolve complex social, economic, and environmental issues by supporting a culture of multisector collaboration between, and among, social enterprises, businesses, organizations, citizens, and government. In essence that means working with existing as well as aspiring future focused leaders and organizations committed to ensuring our communities can do more to balance economic and human values.
Her extensive experience in community-led planning and development has resulted in a unique understanding of the importance of ensuring strategic foresight, systems-thinking, and digital optimization as part of the process.For information about the learning opportunities she offers on a regular basis, see the Campus for Communities

Posted on 09-30-07

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