I’m Losing Patience with the Old Boys
I’m losing patience and respect for the “Old Boys” among us.
While I’ll be the first to admit they bring extensive experience and often great wisdom, there is an alarming sameness in their sense of entitlement and a usually masked yet unmistakable arrogance.
Yes, without a doubt, there are exceptions. You might even think you are different if you are an Old Boy. But trust me, the odds are you aren’t. You might even be one of the most dangerous because you are smart enough to say and sometimes even act like a new-age leader even though, in your heart, you believe you’re the one with the right answers.
This Old Boy thinking was reinforced for me recently in two different interactions.
One Old Boy listened to me half-distractedly despite my having booked the phone appointment two weeks earlier. He may have forgotten it because I had to call his assistant when he missed calling me at the prearranged time.
Once we connected, I briefly explained the core work of my social enterprise in supporting a comprehensive approach to community transformation. I asked for his advice in connecting to others doing the same kind of work.
Not surprisingly, given his inattentive manner, he missed the “comprehensive” nature of the work, not appearing to have enough time or interest to ask any questions and not having a box for what we were doing; he categorized and came across as dismissive in describing the work simply as being training, suggested a few connections, and ended the call saying he had another appointment.
The second conversation was with an Old Boy who extensively promotes collaboration and collective impact in communities across the country. While he wasn’t as dismissive as the first Old Boy and reflected more interest, he struggled deeply when it came time to put boots on the ground and practice what he was preaching regarding sharing his power and control.
The old me might have sighed and internalized the blame as being about my shortcomings. Yet, I’ve turned a corner. Now, I get angry, as in the iconic speech by the main character in The Network. I too may have been pushed to the point where “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore”.
What’s becoming more apparent as my frustration grows is how much this is about power and who holds it.
Many of the Old Boys, and yes, to be fair, some old girls too, have typically worked hard to attain the holy grail of senior jobs and the authority that comes with it. In addition to the titles, they hold power and prestige. From their point of view, the system is working as it should, and they’re fighting hard to hang on to it.
The problem they often don’t see is that the systems they’re heading up are broken.
They don’t seem to see or are choosing to ignore that hierarchal, command and control systems were built for the industrial era, not for the current realism of a hyper-connected, fast-changing world. It should also be clear that dominance and control are becoming more difficult to sustain as complexity grows.
While the top-down chain of command that originated in the industrial era had its time and place, it simply isn’t a good fit for today’s knowledge economy, the evolving network economy, the accompanying rapid change, information technologies, and the demanding public.
Today’s challenges are too complicated for traditional, centralized, command and control leadership and a cowboy-culture that rewards strong personalities.
We need a much more open-source culture (and yes, many Old Boys can’t accurately define open-source) where leadership is distributed and allowed to emerge organically in a trusted and more transparent environment.
We need leaders who understand they must empower others by sharing control and power to generate ideas and solve today’s complex problems.
This distributed leadership is an attitude rather than a management technique. It means that despite being an Old Boy, you don’t and won’t have all the answers and, in many cases, will even be wrong.
Old Boys must also embrace the idea that many others are experts. With and without formal titles, they are a unique, underutilized, and essential source of knowledge and wisdom that can be tapped.
Understand as well this isn’t simply a feminist issue because the talents of those that need to be tapped are also the young men and women who make up GenX and GenY, our elders, those from different cultures, the outlying lateral thinkers, artists, and others.
In other words, Old Boys get used to the idea that if you want to make the right decisions, survive and thrive, you will have to understand that the only way you will have any control and power is to give it up.
Posted on 09-25-15Comments:
I couldn’t agree more. I was invited to one of your upcoming sessions, but cannot make it work, but looked you up anyway. This is great post. I sit on a board of a sports club and the board is a bunch of (mostly) wonderful older folks who do a ton of work for the community. But they won’t give up any control whatsoever. Every move must be voted on. When we run a large event, I must submit all expenses in advance for review and approval. Not only does it mean that things move so slowly it’s painful, but it implies a complete lack of trust. As a result, the majority of younger folks coming up doing a lot of the work are quickly losing their enthusiasm. We are losing volunteers. People don’t want to run events because the red tape is so bad. It’s so so sad.
•Posted by Tim Brewster on 10/27/15 at 05:36 PMNext entry: How I was Reminded About Gratitude
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