Impactful Ways to Decide and Do

A circus performer, an engineer, a non-profit employee, a tattoo artist, and a consultant walked into a coffee shop. While it may sound like a punchline to a bad joke, it wasn’t.

Despite the diverse backgrounds, each owns a business or works in our city’s downtown core and is a volunteer member of what we’ve named the POP committee. POP is an acronym for Partnerships, Opportunities and Proposals.

While we all have demanding jobs, we carved out time to meet to discuss our shared focus on revitalizing our downtown. It was a caffeine-fueled, noisy, messy, and fun meeting with laughter and even a few high fives.

Our diverse lens, experiences, and networks resulted in inspiring and innovative ideas and a concrete action plan for moving forward. It was also clear we shared a belief that we can influence change and growth and use the power of community-led development to get us there.

As the meeting drew to a close, it occurred to me that our group reflects what is now more commonly referred to as proximate leadership.

While this term is only now getting wider recognition, it signifies a growing acknowledgment of the valuable insights that grassroots leaders have always brought to our communities that contribute to better-informed decision-making and systemic collaboration.

What is Proximate Leadership?
Proximate leaders are often unsung heroes with deep connections to their communities, rich lived experiences, and solid and trusted relationships. Usually serving without formal titles, they are respected figures with undeniable influence.

The Value of Proximate Leaders
Their personal histories give them unparalleled perspectives, allowing them to truly understand the needs and opportunities of their community. By listening to grassroots voices and insights, they guide efforts that authentically represent the community’s aspirations and challenges.

What Can Proximate Leaders Do That Others Can’t?
• Their deep ties to the community breed empathy and understanding, leading to more relevant and impactful solutions.
• They empower community members by recognizing strengths and encouraging individuals to take charge of their futures by getting involved.
• They are uniquely positioned to develop innovative solutions tailored to specific community needs.
• Unencumbered by working within traditional hierarchies and their inherent policies and red tape, their agility helps them get things done quickly. 

Proximate leadership is about forging genuine connections with communities to drive impactful change. By leveraging their unique insights and experiences, proximate leaders can create solutions that deeply resonate within their communities.

Tapping the expertise of proximate leaders is essential for driving meaningful progress.

They are the best source of information about what is working within our community systems, what isn’t working, and, most importantly, how it can be fixed.

Posted on 10-04-24

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