I’m Blaming It On The Vision Board
As Dr. Phil puts it, “You have to name it to claim it.” My own mother has also shared similar advice over the years. advising that sometimes, “You just need to know what you want and put it out to the universe”. After all, she ended up with her soul mate after describing him on her vision board in what turned out to be pretty accurate detail. While I didn’t go that far - I am a very happily married woman after all - I did do a vision board and figured I’d start with some things that were a tad smaller. At least that was the plan.
Having tuned into the statistics documenting the fast growth of podcasts, I had included doing a podcast on my own 2020 vision board this past January.
However, in the interest of full disclosure, I did a little more than put it on my vision board, I also gave it a little nudge by following up with Municipal World. I figured that since I had written articles for them in the past, they might be willing to give me a shot at a podcast interview. The universe may have stepped in though because within a week of sending my email, I found myself doing two podcasts. It was a surprisingly fun experience guided by their very astute and knowledgeable CEO, Susan Gardner, who is also the editor and publisher of their flagship magazine, Municipal Word. It’s interesting to note that it has been continuously published since 1889 - longer than any other municipal magazine in the world.
Anyway, if you’re up for it, here are the links to this rookie’s first two podcasts.
Future Focused Leadership, Part 1
Future Focused Leadership, Part 2
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