Brilliant Ideas Aren’t Always Complicated
Most people would have bet against it ever happening. After all, six weeks ago, it was just a crazy idea generated by a guy who managed to convince a few of his friends it would be fun. There were no links to a formal organization that could have provided support, nor was there any funding in place.
However, what most people failed to take into account is that there is significant and growing interest in a different kind of leisure. As identified in the National Framework for Recreation in Canada 2015 the trend is away from more formal and structured programs and events toward those that are instead less formal, family, and fun-oriented experiences. Topping that list are the experiences that help people connect to nature. This focus in turn is contributing to our increasing desire to enhance our individual, community, and environmental wellbeing.
And that, my friends, is what led to the unexpected success of Welland’s first ever, but sure-to-be-repeated “Float Fest” and some 1500+ family and friends of all ages who dragged all things inflatable to the Welland Recreational Waterway and floated down the canal.
Yep, that’s all there was to it. People let the not-so-fast-moving current carry them and their inner tubes, inflatable rafts, and in some cases, even pink flamingos down the lazy moving canal.
Wellanders stepped away from their computers and digital devices and let nature weave its magic spell.
I feel more relaxed just thinking about it (insert sigh).
Sometimes the simplest ideas are the most brilliant aren’t they?
Posted on 09-01-16Next entry: Want to Grow Your Community?
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