Who Speaks for Canada’s Rural Regions?

Almost one third of Canada’s population - approximately nine million people - live in rural regions and yet, the Government of Canada took the final steps to eliminate the Rural Secretariat on May 9, 2013 when they laid off the 13 remaining staff members. In about a year they went from 92 staff members to none.Responsibility for non-financial co-operatives was transferred to Industry Canada on March 4th, 2013.

The Rural Secretariat website still states the following: “Almost one third of Canada’s population - approximately nine million people - live in rural regions. The Government of Canada is helping rural Canada develop and maintain strong, adaptable and vibrant communities.Working with key federal departments and agencies, including natural resource departments, the voluntary sector and non-government organizations, the Rural Secretariat develops initiatives that support the development of innovative and competitive communities.”

It is especially ironic given that much of the resources that contribute to Canada’s wealth (oil, agricultural, water, forests) are located in rural Canada.

Posted on 06-07-13

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