Obama’s Making Community Service Hip and Sexy

Two words have suddenly become hip and sexy.

I didn’t think I would ever see it but thanks to President Barack Obama, within the space of a few months, there’s been more talk and excitement about community and service than I can ever recall.

Obama has plans to expand AmeriCorps and the Peace Corps, engage retiring Americans, and send Americans who are fluent speakers of local languages to expand public diplomacy.

He’s encouraging all middle and high school students to do 50 hours of community service a year, and will establish a new tax credit that is worth $4,000 a… More Posted on 01-25-09

Conflict is Inevitable

I always knew that conflict was inevitable but no one ever told me how painful it could be. 

Our work team is based in locations across the province. While we connect regularly using different technologies, face to face meetings aren’t very common due to the costs in terms of time and money needed to get us all at the same location at the same time. Despite the challenges, we’ve somehow managed to become a community that values and enjoys our face time.

This week we participated in a meeting that finally put us all in the same room… More Posted on 01-10-09

Lessons for the New Year

I always feel pressure to write an inspiring column in celebration of the new year. But the truth is I’ve got nothing.

I’ve kicked back so much this holiday that I have to give myself a pep talk just to get off the couch.

If you really want to know, I’m sitting in a somewhat messy office, still in my pajamas even though its now afternoon, sporting hair that definitely could use a wash, trying to summon up the energy to stay focused until I finish this column. The worst part is that I’m berating myself yet again… More Posted on 12-28-08

Supporting Change

It didn’t start out as a good week. 

I have been in a bit of a funk knowing I won’t be home for Christmas. The truth is I miss my Niagara-based family and friends. The hovering cloud of sadness I was working hard to keep at bay was amplified by work challenges, a never-ending to-do list, and one too many meetings. By the end of the week I was just barely holding it together, emotions running close to the surface.

So of course isn’t that just the time when it seems every single person decides to resist, disagree, or… More Posted on 12-15-08

Play Nice Share with Others

I was first exposed to the impact of Stephen Harper’s leadership style shortly after he became Prime Minister when his party won a minority government in the January 2006 federal election.

At the time I was a member of the Canadian Federation of Voluntary Sector Coalitions. As such, we had been working with a number of federal bureaucrats to determine how we could collaborate to strengthen the capacity of nonprofit and voluntary sector organizations.

After six months of meetings and conference calls, trusted relationships were emerging and progress was being made. It was an exciting time.

Imagine our… More Posted on 12-06-08

Asking for Help

Last week I hit the wall and had something best described as a mini meltdown.

The initiative I’m directing, while incredibly exciting and meaningful, is huge. Even though I’m blessed with a stellar team as well as a decent personal capacity for chaos and big picture thinking, the reality of a provincial project that is attempting to impact the quality of life in communities is one big hairy beast.

I found myself identifying with those guys on the Ed Sullivan show who spun plates on the tops of sticks and then ran back and forth to make sure they… More Posted on 11-16-08

Lessons from My Mother

While some may think it risky to throw a surprise party for a senior, my siblings and I did just that this weekend.

Over seventy friends and family members, including my older brother from California, my husband and I from Alberta, and others from across the province, travelled to Niagara for a celebration in honour of my mother’s 80th birthday.

Two observations were clear to anyone in attendance.

My mother, Wilma, is a woman beloved by many. The greetings, gifts, cards, and tributes were warm, thoughtful and heartfelt.

The second observation is that my mother is a healthy… More Posted on 11-10-08

Technology is About Connections

Last week I had a chance to spend a significant amount of time with my good friend and oh-so- respected colleague, St. Catharines based Dianne Renton who is the owner of Trendspire Canada Inc.

While ostensibly we were working, we also spent a lot of time catching up, reminiscing, and brainstorming. As always, she pushed my way of thinking.

We were startled to realize that it’s been almost fifteen years since she and I first worked together. We had jointly responded to a request for proposals and to our surprise were hired over much more experienced consultants to deliver… More Posted on 11-02-08

Learning from the Team

I’ve just returned from a conference in Jasper and have concluded that it just might be true that one thinks better in the mountains.

While the sessions were good, the informal after hour gatherings with my colleagues were even better. I honestly can’t remember when I’ve laughed so hard or had such meaningful conversations. It was great therapy.

The experience really made me think about how much I love the people I work with and why.

They are an incredibly diverse, slightly quirky group who are intelligent, energetic and authentic. Despite the rather eclectic makeup of the team,… More Posted on 10-27-08

Youth Social Networking

I confess. I have a page on Facebook. I have it primarily because it allows me to stay connected to our kids. It also allows acquaintances, long lost cousins, and former students to find me online.

To be honest I’m not a huge fan. To me sites like Facebook just seem to lack meaning and substance.

Several weeks ago a keynote address at the World Leisure Congress in Quebec City by Dr.Linda Caldwell from Penn State helped me put my uneasiness into better perspective.

Intrigued by the fact that social networking Web sites are among the fastest growing on… More Posted on 10-19-08

Measuring One’s Worth

I met her for the first time when I was about fourteen. She was newly adopted into a family I often babysat and was an adorable, impish bundle of energy with flashing eyes and a smile that warmed your heart.

While her energetic spirit and curiosity no doubt provided challenging times for her adopted parents and her two older siblings, there was just something about that child that made the world seem so right when she wrapped her arms around you in the most loving of hugs.

Life got more challenging as she got older and started school. That never… More Posted on 10-12-08

Triple Bottom Line

My heart goes out to the 800 employees and families of John Deere who are surely still reeling given the recent news of the pending plant closure. While I suppose on some level we shouldn’t be surprised, I still find myself questioning the corporate decision-making process.

I suppose if the only measuring stick being used is money, the decision to move manufacturing to Mexico and Wisconsin makes sense. Call me Pollyanna, but I think a company has a responsibility to do more than just make money especially when they’ve been successful in a community for almost one hundred years.

Like… More Posted on 10-04-08

Being a Mentor

While I’ve often thought I’d like to have a mentor, the truth is I never thought much about being one. 

Now thanks to a special young man from Niagara, I find myself in exactly that position.

I must say it’s kind of fun especially because Cameron Sault is without a doubt, a young man to watch. 

While some in Niagara will know him as a Junior B Hockey player, he was identified as an emerging leader by Stacey Green, one of his instructors in the Recreation and Leisure Services Program at Niagara College.

Upon graduating this year… More Posted on 09-22-08

A Six Pack of Competencies

With both the American and Canadian elections in full swing, there’s a lot of talk about leadership these days.

Seems women are being hard hit. Both Hilary and Sarah were slammed for being too aggressive and strident even though they both have impressive track records. Instead of admiring her juggling abilities, this week I actually heard an interviewer ask Governor Palin if it was possible for her to be vice-president while raising a family. It’s a question that no one would even think to ask a man. 

But maybe just maybe it’s because women aren’t building on their unique… More Posted on 09-15-08

Nature Heals and Restores

Last week some friends and I drove out to visit another friend who lives in a wonderfully restored rural home that they lovingly refer to as “the ranch”.

The view was spectacular, the weather was sunny and warm, and sitting on their front deck drinking lemonade and “activating” - as they called rocking in their wooden rocking chairs - was absolutely delightful.

I could almost feel the stress ooze out of my body.  Even more than the rest of us, my friend Carol just lapped up the ambiance, smiling like a Cheshire cat, savouring every minute we spent there.… More Posted on 09-07-08

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